

Lutheran Church



The second Sunday of each month food items are collected and are given to either the Food Pantry.  Donations are accepted at worship on the second Sunday.  Please remember to bring yours.  Thanks for all you do!

 3rd Sunday of each month
donations are collected for JC PACESETTERS.


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15 Ways to Serve God Through                              

          14. USE YOUR CREATIVITY - 

                          IT COMES FROM GOD.

We are compassionate creators of a compassionate and creative being. The Lord will bless and help us as we creatively and compassionately serve one another. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said:

"I believe that as you immerse yourselves in the work of our Father, as you create beauty and as you are compassionate to others, God will encircle you in the arms of His love. Discouragement, inadequacy, and weariness will give way to a life of meaning, grace, and fulfillment. As spirit daughters of our Heavenly Father happiness is your heritage.

The Lord will bless us with the needed strength, guidance, patience, charity, and love to serve His children.





News from Camp

NEWS AND EVENTS from Camp Tomah Shinga                         

I want to let you know of an opportunity you have to support the ministry at Camp Tomah Shinga. On June 2nd, the camp experienced heavy rains causing the creek to flood. Even though the canoes were up on shore out of the water and tied, the waters took them. A search party was formed but they were not found. All four were lost.

Here is your opportunity....the canoes were a main part of the camp's weekly ministry. We needed to replace them for that ministry to continue. With shipping and handling, the place they always get you, the cost for four canoes was $3700. The opportunity awaits!

Please pray about it to see if the Spirit is moving you to support paying down this bill for camp, it would be appreciated. The canoes that were purchased were on sale and a bargain. Our insurance deductible is more than the cost of the four canoes. Please pray about it and if the Spirit leads you to do so, please send the camp a financial donation to help cover the cost of replacing the canoes. 

I look forward to seeing how the Spirit moves you. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for all that you do for us, supporting the great ministry that is done at Camp Tomah Shinga!

Ethan Feistner

Executive Director, Camp Tomah Shinga